Daily Archives: June 1, 2010

We just got us a CUBEGRENADE from Hugh McLeod

We recently commissioned legendary blogger/artist/thinker Hugh McLeod to create a piece of art that accurately sums up what we at The Escape Pod strive to achieve: adding actual value to the brands that we represent.

We love it. It’s amazing hugh. thanks.

I really think Hugh is onto something with his cubegrenade idea as an agent of cultural change/improvement. i know he is. i remember back when i worked for Omnicorp, I and several other people would post his cartoons on our doors or walls. where someone could see them. it was a declaration that you weren’t a Dilbert. Hugh is the anti-Dilbert in many ways.

Hugh’s work has real and palpable energy. It’s challenging.

But here’s why it REALLY works. most people’s office walls are drab and lacking art. if you give them a nice piece of art that hits a nerve with them, and it’s in a frame, they will put it on their wall. and hugh’s work is great corporate art. it can affect change in your culture.

just tell hugh the effect you’re trying to achieve and he will hit the perfect note.

The glamourous world of commercial casting!

got this from RANT. hilarious. just watch it.

random war stories from years of casting:

1. Robert Redford’s daughter came to a casting.
2. I used to bring in American soap opera stars to all my beer castings. i just wanted to meet them and give them a shot. why not.
3. I have also shamelessly brought in a female TV star just to meet her. i loved the show!
4. casting for dancers is the most fun ever.
5. stage actors can turn it on. they are finely tuned instruments. like standup comics.
6. all you have is your gut. define the role tightly. know exactly what you’re looking for.
7. only use the best casting agents. they are your primary filter. the casting is only as good as they are.
8. I once did a budweiser ad set in the LA movie scene. in it we had an actual hollywood producer playing a hollywood producer. he produced Robert Altman’s THE PLAYER, where he also had a cameo playing a hollywood producer.
9. casting beautiful women is no more fun than casting joe schmoes. you have to get the right one. it’s work.
10. stars are aptly named. they radiate energy. it’s very obvious.
11. be gentle with actors. they can be sensitive souls with big dreams and thin skins who have to deal with rejection a lot!