This is our 200th blog post! Bow down before us in admiration!

I was in on the blog scene early on. way back when. I was an original gapingvoider. and an early and enthusiastic Adpulper. So finally writing my own blog should have come easy to me. but it didn’t.

the reason was that although i am technically a writer, i hadn’t really written a lot of prose. or ad copy. or sentences. i had spent an inordinate amount of time dreaming up and shooting beer commercials. big difference. that’s film school. not writing school. i had been trained by one of advertising’s greatest writers but those skills largely lay fallow for years.

so the notion of actually writing words was kind of intimidating. but i’m glad i did. I am a much better writer as a result. even i can tell that. i have a prose voice now. i am not a big reader but i now know what good writing is.

writing a blog also helps sharpen your thinking. if you do a great post people will react. if you suck, nobody reacts. it’s just like advertising!

another great thing about being a blogger is the people you meet. i have met some great and very cool people. Hugh Mcleod at Gapingvoid. David Burn at Adpulp. Alan Wolk at Tangerinetoad. Dave Trott.
ifthisisablogthenwhatschristmas. I am drawn to blogs that are written by people who are as fascinated by the process of selling stuff as i am. it’s an obsession. it has to be.

2 responses to “This is our 200th blog post! Bow down before us in admiration!

  1. I am honoured to be named in such fine company. I do bow down before you in admiration. More posts about the Sikh pub etc. please.

  2. Thanks Ben. Your blog is a daily read for me as you can probably tell.

    The upside of failing miserably for a few years was i had some experiences i could never have dreamt of. i will endeavour to please.

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